Dark Elves | Necrons | World Eaters | Raven Guard | 13th Co. Space Wolves | Dark Eldar
About Me
- Lord AK
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- 8th Ed. Warhammer Fantasy Battle is damn fun. Try it!!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Saturday, October 2nd, 2010
Bought myself some stuffs -
- The WFB rulebook (It's damn heavy!!);
- Dark Elf Corsairs - now my Corsairs is complete;
- The SW Battleforce - Time to get serious with the Sons of Russ; and
- The Thunderwolf Cavalry set from Philipines - Thank god it finally arrives.
I'll post up some Corsairs that i've been painting soon. Untill then, cheers :)..
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Lorkir Fellheart
I remember last year when Alvin ask me about this guy and I said, "He is useless". Well.. I changed my mind about him already. This guy simply rocks in the 8th ed.
With boost in Terror rules and the rise of big blocks of troops, his Helm of The Kraken (Terror and Regeneration)and The Red Blades (Attacks = 3 + enemy ranks) is now very effective and his Slaver (double victory points for captured units) rules may turn the game result from Draw to Win. All this makes him a worthy buy at 250pts.
As I am about to paint my Black Ark Corsair, might as well start with this guy. Even if I don't usually play him, I can always use the model as the Unit Champion. I dont like the colour scheme in the DE Army Book (too many colours) and choose a full red colour scheme instead as to look more like an Octopus.
Lorkir Fellheart - Captain of The Tower of Blessed Dread
Not bad eh.. :)
Monday, September 20, 2010
Supreme Sorceress on Dark Pegasus
Witches of Khaine
I dont really like the GW witches. Not sexy enough, unlike the artworks of them in the rulebook. So for my witches, I used the Lanyfs model instead. Nothing screams SEXY louder than these models!! :)
Painted 10 girls, but then decided I wont be using them in favour of Shades and Cold One Knights. So enough lah for now.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Dreadlord Akkarin
The very 1st thing I look at is the Dreadlord Akkarin I painted for last year's tourney. A Dreadlord deserves better look than this. So I decide to repaint him to befit a magnificent Dreadlord of Naggaroth.
Having reread the DE Army Book a few time, I decide to paint the armour as "Armour of Midnight" own by Malekith himself. Black shining armour that glitters like the night sky even during the day using the same technique I used on the Raven Guard Master of The Watch. I hope I captures the essence of the armour correctly.
I hope you guys like him. Have a nice weekend :)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Another month passed..
Legio Birthday Event, 3rd July 2010
Legio Birthday Bash - The Tournament of Skulls (1.5k) is a blast!! It was the very 1st time I entered my Raven Guard for a tourney and I must say, they performed quite well with a draw, a defeat and a lost. But winning is not the most important thing in this tourney, it is the slaughter that counts the most. My Raven Guard able to grab 8 Skull Tokens (lovely counters for my World Eaters - thanks Legio ;) ) even with my sloppy playstyle hahaha.
Best of all, my Raven Guard army won Best Appearance, Raven Guard Command Squad won Silver Medal for Unit Entry and The Master of The Watch --> People's Choice Award. All that extra effort, to be appreciated is a great boost to me. Not to mention even with just one win, my Raven Guard able to reach the 4th place in overall for the Tournament of Skull. It just proved that my decision to let go of my "Overly Competitive" approach and adapt to "Fun Hobby Gaming" as a right choice after all.
(Me - the green shirt on the left)

Home Sweet Home
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
A month have passed ..
I bought Din's Iron Warriors consisting of:
- 20 Warriors - 2 Plasmagun, 2 Flamers, 2 PFist
- 15 Havocs - 8 HBolter, 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Lasscannon,
I am still waiting for my 5 Thunderwolves from Philipine, bought as a batch along with Cookie_Yip and Salleh. The seller has been taking so long to deliver our goods. Luckily, Yip has been able to contact the guy, and all we can do now is wait for it.
I had to put my Venerable RG Dread on hold coz I'm out of Chaos Black already. Need to go get some more paints this week. Will visit Games Castle this weekend.
Talk about GC.. the place will close down soon. I hear by the end of July. It will be one of the saddest moment in my life. I simply love GC very much. My hobby grew with GC. It was like my 2nd home before getting married. I pray Richard all the best with his life.
That's it for now. I'll post up some pic soon. Till then, cheers.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
RG Rhino - upgrade complete
The pride of the chapter, there are four Insignias per Rhino in total
Monday, May 24, 2010
Base for RG Ven Dread
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Some conversion work for my RG
i. Left Razorback - magnetized turret : TL Lasscannon, TL HBolter (not finished yet) and the Lasscannon+TL Meltagun. Can also become a Whirlwind if i want to.
ii. Right Razorback - swappable turret : TL Assault Cannon, TL Lasscannon, TL HBolter
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Single Parenting

It was difficult for my wife, taking care of my kids alone. So I've decided to ease her burden a bit by taking my baby girl to live with me. It was difficult at first, but as the time goes by, I'm now used to it.
So now everyday after work I spent my time with my daughter untill around 9 pm, and then try to put her to sleep so that I can do my hobby thing. My schedule was tighter than before, but it was worth it. It was fun in fact.. and I love every second of it :).
Note: Picture is from Google
Sunday, March 14, 2010
2 Games --> 2 Draws
The list I brought is as follow:
2nd Captain Vulture - count as Shrike
Dreadnought - MMelta (Drop Pod)
5 Terminators - 2 Claws, 5 TH&SS
2x10 Tacticals - Flamer, Missiles, PFist&CMelta (in Rhinoes)
10 Assault Marines - THammer
Typhoon Speeder
2 Attack Bikes - MMelta
2xPredator - Lasscannon side sponsons
Predator - HBolter side sponsons
1st GAME
My 1st opponent is another marine army, controlled by Shawn. His list is as below:
Biker Captain - Relic&SS
Chaplain in Terminator Armour
5 Terminators - Cyclone Missile
5 Assault Terminators
10man Tacticals - Plasma Cannon and PFist (in Rhino)
Troop Bikers complete with MMelta Attack Bikes - Meltagun, PFist
LR Crusader
Mission : Seize Ground, Dawn of War
Highlights : Nothing much to say, just that I make a lot of mistakes and it pays me dearly. But in the end, both of us has no more troops to capture objectives.
Result : Draw
2nd GAME
My good buddy Danntoh came just as I was about to leave GC (close to midnight). He brings his much awaited Hive Fleet Zavulon and we soon the game was already running.
HQ Tervigon
2 Hive Guard with Impaler Cannon?
2 Big Brains in Spore
3 Warriors
20 Termagants
Troop Tervigon
A Lictor
CC Carnifex in Spore
CC Carnifex in Spore
Mission : Capture and Control
i. It was a hard list to fight. Monsters and monsters and some more monsters is killing my marines.
ii. The Carnifexes landing close to my home objective means there's no way I can hold that objective anymore. Which leaves me only one option available. Capture the Tyranids home objective!! More importantly, that makes the game a lot more fun than just defending my own turf.
iv. Luckily The Vulture and his unit is around to support them. v. But jumping out of terrain kills 2 assault marines, enough to force morale check and guess what.. They failed and led by The Vulture, they flee of the table.
vii. Seeing their leader fleeing the battle cracks the morale of my other marines. The Tacticals suddenly decide to abandon their cause and run away from battle, just as they are several inches from enemy objectives.
viii. But the Terminators keep on fighting. They killed a Tervigon, slaughter Termagants and contest the objective by the end of turn 6.
Result : Draw. Despite all the monsters and the difficulties, this is by far the funniest and enjoyable game I've ever had with my Raven Guard.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Raven Guard Assault Squad I - Finally!!
Here they are..
The Sargeant used to wield a pair of claws before, but i want him to have the chance to kill ICs, take out vehicles and stun monsters. So I takeout the claws and give him a Thunder Hammer instead. It was a TH from the Assault Terminator sprue, cut at the elbow and attached to a right bolter arm. With a small conversion to the left bolter arm, he now look as if wielding the TH with 2 hands.
Monday, March 1, 2010
RG Land Speeder "Typhoon"
i. 2nd unit of 2 Attack Bikes with Multimelta;
ii. Land Speeder Typhoon;
iii. 5 man Snypers with HBolter and Camo;
iv. a Librarian.
Though i like the Attack Bikes the most, I choose the Typhoon for the simple reason that i already have the model. A Typhoon is also actually quite effective on the battlefiled for both anti-armour and anti-infantry roles, making it very versatile for all our need. All that i have to do is to paint it into my Raven Guard colour scheme (It was painted Blood Angel before).
After a week of painting, I'm finally done. Enjoy..
Monday, February 22, 2010
Raven Guard Attack Bikes
So here it is. 2 Attack Bikes with MultiMelta.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Victory Unto Death!!
Eldrad and Seer Council in Serpent
Farseer and Banshees in Serpent
Dragons in Falcon
2x12 Guardians with ScatLass
2 Vipers
3 Warwalkers
My Raven Guard:
Dread in Drop Pod
5 Assault Termies - 2 LC, 3TH&SS
2x10 Marines - Plasmagun, Lasscannon, PFist+CombiMelta (in Rhino)
10 Assault Marines - TH&SS
2 Attack Bikes
3 Predators - Lascannon Sponsons
Mission: Seize Ground (5), Pitch Battle, Eldar goes 1st
i. Shrike lead the 5 Termies right in the centre of table. Fleeting gives them the 1st turn charge on 3 Warwalkers. Later, they were doomed and charged by furious Banshees. But luck is on my side that day and Shrike+2 Termies remains as the victor of the great melee.
ii. They were later shot by 2 Guardian squads, killing Shrike and a terminator. The lone Terminator Sargeant climbed a low mound and jump right on the Guardians. The high ground proves to be an advantage as he single handedly fought and win every round of combat. But the Guardians are too stubborn and held their ground.
iii. In the end, Eldrad, his Seer Council and 4-5 Guardians left alive while Raven Guard loses their Commander, 5 Terminators and 5 Marines.
Result: Raven Guard wins by 3-0 objectives. It was a great victory for the Sons of Corax.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Drop Pod 01 : Extra Effort
Around 12.30, me, The Warboss Nik Kamal and Kai The Great Devourer lepak² at mamak with eating satay and chat about the new kids on the block --> The Tyranids!! Kai seems so happy with the new codex, I can only hope he'll pick up his brushes and begin painting his huge collection of Nids.
Arrived home at 2.00 am. My wife and kids were sound asleep and so i decided to do some painting while I can. I took out my newly finished Drop Pod and the Iyanden Darksun, and begin doing the yellow stripes. About an hour later, satisfied with the Drop Pod improved paint job, I went to sleep besides my babies.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Iron Warriors for Sale!
A Daemon Prince
Iron Warrior Warsmith - with Combi-melta, PW and Servo-arm
10 man Iron Warriors - 2 Plasmaguns
10 man Iron Warriors - 2 Flamers, Champion with PFist
5 man Havocs - 4 HBolters
5 man Havocs - 4 HBolters
5 man Havocs - 3 Missile Launchers, 1 Lasscannon
2 Obliterators
2 Obliterators
Dean's Iron Warriors
A good looking start for a CSM player who hates painting (like Ivan hahaha!). All you need is to find some transports for these troops and you are all set for a game. And like Dean, you'll sure win a lot with them heheh.
Interested? Contact me or Dean.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
RG Drop Pod
This Drop Pod will be the ride for Brother Kumbang a.k.a. Dreadnought 01 in battles.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Plans for this and the next week
... ... ...
Painting :
A drop pod for Brother Kumbang a.k.a. my Dreadnought. Currently at 50%. Next in schedule is a Predator. The progress is slow coz hey.. Family comes 1st :)
... ... ...
Gaming :
I'll be going back to Tg. Malim this Friday evening. Luckily, Legio is along the route from here to there so i might be able to drop by and roll some dice. I'll bring my Dark Elves for some WFB action. My list as usual will be:
Heroes: Lord on Cold Ones, 3 Assassins
Core: 20 DE Warriors, 10 Dark Riders
Special: 18 Black Guards, 12 Shades, 5 Cold One Knights
Rare: a War Hydra
If there's no WFB player around, I'll play my RG instead :
HQ: Shrike
Elites: a Dreadnought, 5 Terminators
Troops: 20 Marines
Fast: 10 Jumpacks, 2 Attack bikes
Heavy: 3 Predators.
Any takers?
EDIT : Seems like i cannot make it to Legio this week. Got things to do with my wife and kids. Another week without gaming for me. You guys have fun alright..