With the coming of the 8th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle, I decided to stop all my 40k project and have a relook at my Dark Elves. There is still so much to do since last time half of the army was borrowed from Nik Kamal. Now that he is going back to Sabah, I need to finish my DE quick in order to participate in the future WFB event held by Legio.
The very 1st thing I look at is the Dreadlord Akkarin I painted for last year's tourney. A Dreadlord deserves better look than this. So I decide to repaint him to befit a magnificent Dreadlord of Naggaroth.
Having reread the DE Army Book a few time, I decide to paint the armour as "Armour of Midnight" own by Malekith himself. Black shining armour that glitters like the night sky even during the day using the same technique I used on the Raven Guard Master of The Watch. I hope I captures the essence of the armour correctly.

As for the blade, I painted it to be "The Crimson Death" - sword version. It can also be "The Destroyer" if I want to use this model to represent Malekith on Cold One.

At first I thought I wanna repaint the whole Cold One model too. But looking back at the number of unpainted model I have to paint, decided enough is enough lah.
I hope you guys like him. Have a nice weekend :)
He looks sweet, love that color combination. Awesome work on the sword!!
رمضان مبار… رمضان كريم… رمضان مبار…
Salam ramadan Al Mubarak..
buat pembaca blog kami
Ramadan bulan yg mulia..
Tertutup pintu-pintu neraka..Terbuka pintu-pintu syurga..Syaitan-syaitan dibelenggu.
Salam kunjungan salam ziarah…. Thanks kerana berkongsi story pada kami. Salam sebuah persahabatan salam satu perkenalan dari blog kami... Moga kami mendapat maklum balas dan respont yang baik dari blog anda...
Bro, When are you gonna meet the Ogres? New rules are kick-ass man.
salam dan selamat hari raya aidil fitri,sekira tuan pernah makan di kedai kami asam pedas power,jln puteri hang li poh,bukit cina melaka,kini kami telah menambah satu lagi cawangan di setiawangsa kuala lumpur,restoran asam pedas power jln puteri hang li poh,di alamat 43g jln setiawangsa 11,berhadapan stesyen minyak petronas,pasaraya giant,pejabat pos setiawangsa bersebelahan kedai dibi dan balai polis setiawangsa,selamat datang dan selamat menjamu selera,kami masih mengekalkan citarasa masakan yg sama ASAM PEDAS POWER,DATANG LE YERRRR....SILA LAWATI BLOG KAMI ..ASAMPEDASPOWER.BLOGSPOT.COM ATAU ASAMPEDASPOWER ABGPIEE SETIAWANGSA.BLOGSPOT.COM...T.KASIH
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