Two Rhinoes for my 2 Tactical Squads. Named
"Jebat" and
"Kasturi" after 2 of the legendary Malay fighters during the
Kesultanan Melayu Melaka (how do we say that in English?).
and Kasturi
patrolling the city
Parked side by side for a snack at nearby Mamak
Notice the differences?

Raven Guard insignia, the pride of the Chapter
kesultanan melayu melaka = malacca malay sultanate ;)
That's what I thought. But it sound awkward lah. "Malay Sultanate of Malacca" sounds better i think.
Awesome bro! Your painting never fails to amaze me, makes me proud to be a Raven Guard player :)
Thanks very much Brother Vuel :)
We live to serve.. am proudly so :lol:
awesomeness bro...bile nak aja aku paintingg nii..hahahha
Ajar? Mana lah aku layak bro.. Cat pun main bantai jer hahaha. Lain lah Su Jhin or Jeff. Expert class!!
The SENNM looks good on the logo. Excellent s#I+ man :)
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