It was on September 18th, 2009, Friday at 11.03a.m. , my wife gave birth to a girl. Later at 11,28a.m. another baby was born. This time, a boy. The girl was named Alya (
Height) Batrisyia (
Intelligent/clever) and the boy Ammar (
Strength of faith) Bakhtiar (
From left - Alya & Ammar

From now on,
Lord Aslan is no more. He is now Lord Ammar.
Congrats, fine looking babes. Well wishes to mother and children
Thanks very much :)
Congratulations din!!! Alhamdulullah. Twins boy n girl pulak tu. Well now your rezeki will bertambah so can start planning for new army hehehe
2 new armies actually hahaha! One for each :)
They are yr firstborn?? Sisters army and space marine wolves.
congrats! just found out you're a father now.
All the best in bringing up them both. "Jagalah amanah Allah dgn baik dan corakkanlah mereka ke jalan yang diredhai"
ONce you've reached fatherhood, its another level in Life for us.
Congratulations. Such Angels they are. God bless and to good health and bountiful wealth.
Thanks guys.. It wont be easy. But i'll learn and do my best as a father.
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