A Space Wolves with the Mark of Wulfen. But if you see carefully, He has the Raven Guard insignia on his shoulder pad. How come?

Actually, I am currently at a dilemma. I fell in love with RG back in the last codex because they are CC-based army. They can have up to 6 Jumpack squads and all units may take furious charge. Being a CC fan like i am, it was a very interesting army to build and play with. But then came the new codex, and all they have is "
Fleet" which i dont want. Yes they are fast, but to what end? They are fast but lack the punch to deal the blow. And the option for CC punch is in the Vanguard, which to me is unplayable due to their high point cost.
Now came the new Space Wolves codex. And I saw once again, an opportunity for a good CC-based army. But i dont wanna go buy new minis since i dont have the time to assemble and paint them. Should i forsake my RG, and repaint them as SW?? Or should I keep them as Raven Guard, but play them using the SW codex??
Keep the Raven Guard, play as Space Wolves... That's the best cost saving choice.
same as what Alvin said bro.
Keep the colour scheme and replace all the insignia with the Space Wolf variant. Then make up your own Space Wolf Chapter name to reflect on their colour. Or in short like what Alvin said.
Thanks guys.. I know what to do already :)
Same dilema!!
Well, you know what i chose! ha ha.
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