About Me

Putrajaya, Malaysia
8th Ed. Warhammer Fantasy Battle is damn fun. Try it!!

Monday, November 2, 2009

The very 1st..

The servants of the Star Gods, the soulless Necrons are my very first army. It all begin waaay back in 2004, thanks to my brother Din.

The centre Wraith is the very first model i painted in this hobby. Followed by the other two, These Wraiths are the very first full squad i painted. I was very new to this hobby and was so unskilled with the brush. My idea was to give a very ghostly robotic look to the Wraiths which ended pretty good for a noob :lol: Done with the 3 Wraiths, i proceed to the core of the Necron army, The Necron Warriors. After painting a few models, i got bored and decide to have a try at some conversion work. The model below is my very first conversion. I have converted 4 more warriors before i was satisfied and decided to continue with the painting. Quite nice eh.. firing gauss blaster with one hand :)
My Necrons have been out of the spotlight for a very long time. Guess i should post something about them every now and then to keep the engine warm enough untill the new codex arrive.



Alvin Khaw said...

I like the Necron Warrior. The pose is very cool...

Lord AK said...

Cool indeed..

But if seen from some angle, it looks quite feminin. Must be a Necrontyr chick back then :lol:

Vuel said...

too bad the Necrons are nerfed badly..

Lord AK said...

The reason for their long hibernation :)