It was quite funny actually. When i made this tourney list, i was aiming for a fun and fluffy World Eaters list. I also drop my 2 Daemon Princes just because i want people to see my lovingly crafted Winged Lord Ammar.
Even at a glance, people can see straight away that this isn't a very strong list. And the loses I suffered during playtest just shows that my list belongs to the middle tier.
Lord Ammar's Eastern Barbaric Skullcrusher
1st Game : VS. Ceiran's CSM
My 1st opponent was Ceiran's Khornate Army.
Result : WE win 16 - 5
2nd Game : VS Iz's Mad Mobz
My 2nd game was against the Defending Champion - Warboss Iz's and his mad mobs of bullies. I never had a chance to fight him before and suddenly it happened, in a tourney. Just look at those Nobz Bikers, 9 of them!!
Warboss Grimfang and 9 Nobz Bikers, Mad Dok Grotsnik and 30 Ard Boyz, Snikrot and his Commandoes
Result: World Eaters WIN!!!
By the 3rd turn, Iz conceded the game after losing all his key units. Not to mention, his Gretchins (in reserve) failed to come in (prolly ran away after watching their great Warboss slain in battle is my guess heheh). In the end, I still have all my units except for the Lord and 2 Rhinoes.
Result : WE win 18 - 6
3rd Game : VS. Saim Han
After our mishap that hobby night, Khairul and me was destined to fight in tourney. I hate fighting Eldar, my army cannot handle the mobility of Eldar and this is proven in my testplay at GC where i lost 2 games vs Eldar.
Much worst, this list has Eldrad, and he seized the Initiative. Truly the worst case scenario.
2 of my Rhinoes were Wrecked in the 1st turn and that greatly demoralised me. But i just keep on playing as usual, runing my Berserkers (in between ruins) towards the Eldar. Luckily for me, Khairul tends to make a lot of mistake (some are big enough mistakes) and I use that to my advantage and grab my 3rd win.
In the end, only a Prism and a Falcon (Saim Han) survive the game while i only lost a Lord and 3 Rhinoes.
Result : WE win 18-6
In the end, I was placed 3rd under my brother, Din, and the New Grandmaster - Sujin (All hail the Grandmaster!!). I lost by Appearance (6/9 points) and Sportsmanship (3/9 points).
It was a great event. Ave Legio!!
- remember that Dante? :)
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