Last weekend was a blast! I had 5 games in total and all of it was fun. Knowing this was my only chance to play untill the tourney, i decided to have a go with my list. To see if my slightly fluffy list can still cause some havoc or not. My list is as follow:
Lord Ammar - Wings, Daemon Weapon, Combi-Melta
5 Terminators - MoKhorne, 4 CombiMelta, 1 HeavyFlamer, 1 Chainfist
8 Berserkers - Powerfist (in Rhino with Dirge Castor)
8 Berserkers - Powerfist (in Rhino)
8 Berserkers - Powerfist (in Rhino)
8 Raptors - MoKhorne, 2 Meltas, 1 PFist
Predator - Autocannon, HBolter, Havoc Missiles
Predator - Autocannon, HBolter, Havoc Missiles
2 ObliteratorsThe 1st game was in Friday at Legio. I fight a guy I never met before. His name is Izwan and he plays Black Legion. His plays Abbadon & Kharn list.
Mission : Annihilation
Deployment : Pitch Battle (see below), WE go 1st
Result : Black Legion annihilated on turn 5
I was supposed to play my 2nd game against a Saim Han army. Waited for 2.5 hours and then learned that the player had to play against Iqbal. I was quite dissapointed but what to do.. Eldar with their mindtricks.. I went back that night and pray for more games tomorrow.
The next day (Saturday @ GC).. The 1st game was against a very problematic army for my WE. It was a skimmer list. 4 Wave Serpent and 3 Falcon.
Mission : Seize Ground (4)
Deployment : Spearhead (See below), WE goes 1st
Result : Eldar win by 1 objective (turn 7).
3rd game was against Karim's Eldar. Too bad the boy need to go back early so we had to stop on turn 5. Else the result would be different.
Mission : Seize Ground (4)
Deployment : Spearhead (See below), WE goes 1st
Result : Eldar win by 1 objective.Next is against Andy's Eldar.
Mission : Capture & Control
Deployment : Spearhead WE goes 1st
Result : WE win by 1 objective (turn 5).On Sunday (@ GC) .. Finally I had the chance to go against the new uber Codex : Space Wolves. My opponent Syamil takes Njal Stormcaller to lead his army.
Mission : Capture & Control
Deployment : Spearhead (See below), SW goes 1st
Result : Draw (Turn 3).
It was a good fight for the Berserkers. But just when it was getting better and better, my opponent got to go. The picture below shows our Turn 3 (game ends). See how my WE are getting closer and closer. 2 more turns.. and the game is ours.
2 Wins, 2 Loses and a Draw. Not bad.. :)
WE Records: 7 Wins, 4 Loses, 2 Draws