I had three games last weekend. All with my Raven Guard. I don’t have
much time to cover all games in detail, so this time I will try to summarise as
best as possible for each game.
The first game happened on Friday, against my good friend Danntoh and his Silent Scorn Coven. This was the 2nd time we fought each other. I won
the first encounter, so this time he came back stronger with a Farseer ally to guide his shots.
Earlier that day, I wanted to try a HQ heavy approach. So I came up with a list with a
Chapter Master, Shrike, Cypher and a Command Squad to fill the HQ section. Therefore, it had a
lot smaller head count compared to the usual setup I used to play with. It was only during deployment that I
felt very much lacking, and regretted the decision to use this list.
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The Deployment. I felt so outnumbered. |
The game began quite balanced with us both having quite a good rolls. His 1st Turn shooting were superb, and so was my saving throws. But came my first turn, everything
went very wrong for my Raven Guard. The Chapter Master and the Command Squad
scattered of table and were delayed.
Shrike and his Assault Squad attempted to assault the large Grotesque unit, but
failed to close the 5-6 inches gap between them and their target. Stranded on clear ground, they were easy target practice for the enemy. They survived the shooting phase quite well, only to be assaulted by the Grotesques. Shrike killed the Haemonculus, and would have killed the Grotesque champion if not because of one successful Feel No Pain. The brute champion fought back and instakilled Shrike with Flesh Gauntlet. My Marines fought the grotesques for two turns
before they were wiped out entirely by the end of my 2nd Turn.
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The Hero has landed. Would he able to bring change? |
In the 2nd Turn, my Chapter Master and Command Squad landed
near the enemy objective. I thought they would be able to tip the balance towards
my favor by contesting the objective. But the shooting phase in the 3rd Turn was truly devastating. The Command Squad were destroyed by 2 Liquifier Guns, while The
Chapter Master failed Toughness Test
against the Shattershard and were
removed from the game with no saves of any kind. Tough luck.
Cypher and the Centurions was the only unit that performed well in the
game, but even they couldn’t stand against so many Guided / Prescienced poisoned
shots coming at them. After taking out 3 vehicles, the Centurions were destroyed
somewhere in the 4th Turn. From that point, Cypher fought alone in the middle of the
table. In an act that befit a mystical figure like him, survived all the shots
coming at him, then made a move towards a 10 man DE Warrior unit nearby.
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With all my forward element gone, Cypher alone had any chance to make a run towards the enemy objective. |
In the 5th Turn, He killed
4 with his blazing pistols and would have finished them with an assault. But the
DE Warriors failed their morale check and
fled 9 inches away, leaving him standing right in the middle of the table. He
later got charged by the Grotesques and died in combat.
My Storm Raven came late on Turn 4, It failed to destroy anything and went into ongoing reserves in the 5th Turn. It came back in the 6th Turn to destroyed a Venom. But by then, it was too late already.
The Silent Scorn Coven spectacularly WON this grudge match.
The Second game happened on Saturday. My opponent was a super elite GK army with only 14 models. It had
Draigo and a squad of Paladins in Land Raider Redeemer, a squad of GK
Terminators, and 2 Dreadknights. This time, I used the same list as last week. It felt so much better this way.
Deployment was as follows. I decided not to Sieze the Initiative.
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The Raven Guard prepared to fight against the so called best of of the best |
1st Turn. My opponent went first but achieved nothing much except killing 2 Marines from the Chapter Master's unit. My Dreadnought landed in front of the Land
Raider Redeemer and destroyed it with MultiMelta. The explosion caused 2 wounds to Draigo. A Tactical Squad disembarked and killed one Paladin with Meltagun. Chapter Master stay in place to call Orbital Bombardment on the GK Terminators, but it scattered onto the Drop Pod, causing one hull down.
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Here comes the pain! |
On the 2nd Turn, both Dreadknights shunted forward. One unit targeted Shrike and the 1st Assault Squad, caused 16 wounds to the unit, but only 3 dead after
saving throws. The other Dreadknight targeted the Centurions but failed to cause any wound. Paladins destroyed my Dreadnought with Psycannons and the GK Terminators killed
Tactical Squad 1(a) in combat.
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My favourite part of the game.. Close combat! |
In my turn, I sent both Assault Squad to fight the GK Terminators. They
killed 3 Terminators, but the Terminators stayed in combat. My Champion fought his GK Champion to a standstill. GravCenturions killed the nearest Dreadknight while the Chapter Master entertained the other one in a close fight. Tactical 2(a) disembarked and shot the Paladin, but the only one that mattered (Meltagun) failed to hit.
In the 3rd Turn, Draigo left his unit and assaulted Tactical Squad 2(a), killed them all and consolidated towards the Centurions. Paladins joined the combat, killed Shrike and destroyed
Assault Squad 1. Assault Squad 2 was sent running. Chapter Master defeated Dreadknight 1.
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The Chapter Master went for the kill |
In my turn, my Tacticals in both Rhinos destroyed the GK Terminators with Plasmaguns. Centurions killed Draigo. Chapter Master went to fight the
Paladins, which he successfully destroyed after 3 close combat rounds.
My Storm Raven arrived in the 4th Turn, but there's nothing on table for them to have fun with.
The Raven Guard WON.
During my game against the Grey Knights, a guy dropped by and ask me for a
game. I knew the guy own an interesting White Scars army. I never had a chance to fight him before, so it was a game I gladly
accepted and looked forward to.
But I was really caught by surprised when he came back about half an hour
later. For in front of me was not an army of bikers, but an Imperial Guard army
with 3 Vendettas and 3 newly assembled Imperial Knights. Wow.. Seriously.. I was shocked.
This happened to be the first time he brought this army on table. So he
was a bit too cautious with his deployment. He had 2 Knight Paladins, both deployed
at the furthest corner of his deployment zone. His single Knight Errant deployed to
my left, also at the edge of the table.
As for me, I deployed everything except the Storm Raven and Dreadnought
(in Drop Pod). They were deployed slightly hidden behind a dilapidated Aquila
Stronghold. Shrike and Assault Squad 2 infiltrated atop the Aquila's battlement.
Just before the game, my Rhinos scouted 12 inches forward towards the Relic.
My game plan was to grab the Relic early in the first turn, and run for safety. Failing that,
I would have to rely on the Secondary
Objective. My opponent would definitely gain the First Blood. To balance that, Shrike and his Assault Squad were
tasked to gain Linebreaker while the
rest of my army destroyed anything that step foot on my deployment zone. Slay the Warlord would determine the
The opponent's 1st Turn wasn’t so effective due to night fighting. I took that advantage to send
my Tacticals (in 4 Combat Squads) to capture the Relic. Dreadnought made a drop
near the Knight Errant, penetrated the side armour with Multimelta, causing one Hull Point damage.
In the 2nd Turn, 2 Vendetta came in from reserves and shot down one of my Centurions. The Knight Errant destroyed the closest Rhino for the First Blood. 2 Marines died in the explosion. The
Knights Errant then destroyed my Dread in assault. (Super Heavy can shoot and assault different target. Then the D weapon. Damn cheese hahaha). On my turn, my Tactical started moving the Relic towards safety (behind the Stronghold). The move was slowed due to the Relic special rules. Chapter Master called the
Orbital Bombardment onto the Knight Errant, causing 3 Hull Points damage. The
Storm Raven failed to come this turn.
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The Relic had passed into the Raven Guard territory. Now would they be able to take it to the safety zone behind the Aquila Stronghold? |
3rd Turn. One of the Vendetta flew off the board. The 3rd one, a Black Vendetta transporting IG HQ came in
from reserves and took the exact place when it left. The two Vendettas worked together to
destroy my Centurions. Knight Errant moved 12 inches closer and destroyed the other Rhino (Relic bearer inside). Then with a Heavy Stubber, it killed two marines from a Tactical combat squad,
leaving a lone Plasmagunner to guard the centre. Sly Marbo appeared inside a
trench hole nearby and threw a Demolition Charge to my Assault Squad, killed
some of them.
In my turn, my Assault Squad threw a Krak Grenade into the trench hole, instakilling Sly Marbo. The lone Plasmagunner shot the Knight Errant from the side and took
out one Hull Point. The Relic bearer ran into the trench hole. My Storm
Raven still lost somewhere.
In the 4th Turn, the Knight Errant moved closer and successfully
assaulted Tactical Squad 1(a) that were pinned when their Rhino exploded
earlier. It made a stomp attack and somehow destroyed my Assault Squad 1 nearby. (We made a mistake here, thinking that Stomp
roll of 6 destroyed the whole unit. It should only remove model under the blast
marker, not the whole unit.) I didn’t remember what the Vendettas did this turn.
My Storm Raven came in and shot one of the Vendetta. It destroyed one of the Lascannon. I sent my Chapter Master to join the Relic bearer. He would personally
protect the Relic Bearer to the safety zone. (With Chapter Master right at the front to tank all the
coming wounds, I was quite confident that the Relic was safely secured and mine
for the win. But suddenly the most unlikely thing happened.) The lone
Plasmagunner shot the Knight Errant and successfully took out the last Hull
Points. The Super Heavy Walker exploded, and the force of the explosion threw the main bulk of it's body 11 inches away. To our amazement, flew over my Chapter Master and fell on
top the Relic bearer, killing him with a Strength D explosion. (WTF! There
goes my only chance at winning the game :lol:)
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With no one to carry the Relic, how would this battle ended for the Raven Guard? |
In the 5th Turn, my opponent targeted Shrike’s unit
but they were safe with stealth + the cover saves from the Aquila's battlement. A squad of Veterans disembarked from one of the Vendetta in attempt to kill the lone Plasmagunner.
He survived! The Vendettas targeted my Storm Raven but failed to cause anything
except a single glance.
Came my turn, I sent the Storm Raven off table. The Chapter Master
jumped to behind the Stronghold, safely out of enemy sight. Shrike and his squad split and jumped off the battlement into the enemy deployment zone for the Linebreaker point. If the game ended now, it would be a DRAW.
But the game went into Turn 6, and the opponent now had a chance to amend his mistakes. Two
Vendettas straightaway made a move into my territory. A squad of Veterans made
a successful drop near the trench hole where the Relic was dropped to claim a Linebreaker point. A Knight Paladin
closed in towards Shrike (now alone from his squad) but failed to kill the
Shadow Captain with both shooting and assault. IG now led by 1 VP from First Blood.
This could be the last turn, and I had two option. First is the
easy one, destroy the Veterans and let it ended as a draw ... OR ... try to grab a win by killing his Command
Squad (in Black Vendetta). The gamble : It would be my lost if even one member of the Command Squad survived. I decided to go for the kill. To clear the enemy Linebreaker, I sent the Chapter Master.
He wiped out the whole Veteran Squad in close combat without breaking a sweat. Next is to see if my gamble worked.
My Storm Raven came in
from ongoing reserve to tailgate the Black Vendetta. Multimelta shot to the
rear got through the armour and destroyed it in the air. There were 6 passengers inside the Vendetta and they suffered S10 hits
with no armour saves due to the explosion. If I succeeded, I would win with Slay The Warlord. But failing that, the
opponent would gain back his Linebreaker point
and win.
I rolled the dices and … one of the dices came out 1. (Damn!)
The game ended. IG and Knights WON!!
Seriously, the Knights were really scary. I was lucky my opponent went defensive and deployed his Knights far away. Things would have been so much different if they were to deploy right at the front. He learned that already in this game, so I really pity his next opponent :lol:
the Knights Paladin was really scary, but opponent seemed to have super bad day with his scatter rolls. The Rapid Firing Battle Cannon scattered away so many times, making them somewhat ineffective in this game.
As for the weakness. One weakness I found was movement. The Knights would really be slowed down by difficult ground since their maximum move were restricted to just 6 inches instead of the usual 12 inches when moving on clear ground. It wasn't so much of a weakness, but was the reason why the 2 Knight Paladins failed to reach my line. It would have ended in a massacre otherwise.
It was a long one this time. Maybe I should have separated the battle reports into 3 separate posts.
Anyway, I'm glad I finally finished it and I hope you guys enjoy the read.
Oh yah.. I have a WFB tournament coming this saturday. Wish me luck okay :).
Thanks again. Happy gaming.