Hello guys,
On November 24th, I attended
The Ascension, Warhammer 40,000 Tournament held by
The Spartan Games Arena in
Wangsa Maju. This tournament was set at 1,500 points and I entered with this list:
Picture credit to Marvin Michael Kho, our favourite hobby fotographer |
Primary : Daemons
2 x 10 Bloodletters
2 x Flying Khorne Prince
Ally : Chaos Space Marines
Flying Khorne Prince
5 Chaos Space Marines
NEW MODELS I painted specially for the list:
i) Khorne Prince with the Axe of Blind Fury
This guy is bigger that both the old school Daemon Prince I have. It is about the size of a Bloodthirster. If GW didn't come out with new Bloodthirster model, I might get another box of this model and convert it into one.
ii) 5 Chaos Space Marines
I have painted several CSM already, but they don't really fit the look of my army. I want something that people can relate to the Bloodletters and lucky I have these in my possession ---> The OOP 13th. Co. Wulfen! It was rare to see one back here when they were in production, and even more so today. Even the Wolf Lord Syamael don't have them (so his reaction when I show them to him.. PRICELESS! :lol:) I received quite a few question about them from other people during the event.
1st Game : Big Guns Never Tire (4 Objectives), Dawn of War
Opponent : Space Wolves - Thunderwolves and Drop Pods
This is funny. Before the tournament, I was the one who my opponent consult with for listbuilding so he can deal with armies like mine and he turned out to be my very first opponent.
The game was tough. Of course I could've played save and fly around but he is a good old friend and I wanted this to be fun, so I sent my Daemon Prince to combat as soon as possible. 2 Daemon Prince easily took out a Rune Priest and 9 Grey Hunters that came in with Drop Pod.
But then his big unit of Thunderwolves, lead by 2 Wolf Lords with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shields closed in and assaulted, killing both Princes instantly. I didn't really mind because one of the Prince had Warp Tether. The other one fought the Warlord with Saga of The Bear in challenge and caused one wound before it died to six S10 hammer attacks.
The Prince with Warp Tether returned to battle but died to a lucky shot from Drop Pod. The last Daemon Prince were
grounded by another Drop Pod Storm Bolter. It got assaulted and killed by the enemy Warlord. My opponent consolidated 5 inches but made a wrong move in terms of model placement, both his Wolf Lords are now at the frontmost part of that pack.
My Bloodthirster closed in and assaulted from behind the pack, where both Wolf Lords were out of range to issue or receive challenges nor striked back. With smash attacks, it killed 3 Thunderwolves in the 1st round of combat, then killed the Warlord and the other Wolf Lord in challenges.
As the Bloodthirster was about to strike the last TWC (with Power Fist), my opponent conceded.
2nd Game : Crusade, Vanguard Strike
Opponent : Farsight Conclave
This was the first game I had against pure Tau army since their release. What I knew about them from what I read over the net and the one time playing against an Eldar-Tau alliance. My head felt dizzy just from reading my opponent's list so I just let do whatever he wants and pray he didn't cheat.
He seized the Initiative (on 5+!) but only the Riptide and Pathfinders has any range to shoot. They both aim at my Bloodthirster, causing 2 wounds. Came my turn I summoned a Portalglyph and sent all FMCs towards the enemy. Shooting killed my Warlord, but he did well soaking almost 85% of the shots fired at him, and so all my Princes were saved.
I sent the CSM Prince to kill a Crisis Suit troops, and he performed the task successfully. Another Prince I sent to fight his big HQ unit but that unit (to my surprise), is superbly strong in combat. It has Commander Farsight, Warlord with Onager Gauntlet, 2 Bodyguards or ICs (not sure) with S8 Close Combat weapons, a Riptide (which happened to be IC) + several drones forming a HQ unit. That unit then attached to a unit of 2 Broadsides with HYML. The Daemon Prince had no chance at all (It had Warp Tether but I was so shocked with what I learned and forgotten about it hahaha!)
So I changed my plan and deepstriked all Bloodletters close to the enemy line. The new plan is to make them busy, capture the objectives and kill the enemy troops with Helldrake. It worked. I lost all of the Daemons that I sent for the attack but successfully controlled 3 objectives (with 4 units spawned by Portalglyph) to win the game.
3rd Game : Purge The Aliens, Dawn of War
Oppoinent : Daemons of DOOOOOOMM!
The 3rd and last game was against the famed Daemons of DOOOOMMM! We both play FMC list, but he has the advantage since his FMCs are Daemons Spellmasters. For me, the only way to take out his Daemons from the sky are through Vector Strike.
He began the game by killing my Prince (Grimoire Bearer). I retaliated by Vector Striking his Grimoire Bearer to death. Then he destroyed both of my Bloodletter squads by spells and close combat. Fateweaver took 2 wounds off my Warlord with spells. I went ahead and destroy his SoulGrinder.
I sent the Bloodthirster and CSM Prince to destroy a squad of Daemonettes. They killed 7 but my Warlord took two rending wounds. Daemonettes took instability check and rolled
Double 1!! What a luck! The Daemonettes were back to full strength. 2nd combat round, the Daemonettes were again downed to 3 girls but they successfully killed my Warlord with 2 rending wounds. They lost and had to make Instability Check..
Double 1!?! Again!!
3rd round of combat I sent the last Prince to join since it didn't have any valid target to choose from. Together with the CSM Prince, they killed the Daemonettes down to 4, but took no wound at all. The 3rd Instability Check, this time the dice came 1 and 5. Unit destroyed! Not yet.. My opponent use the Fateweaver, reroll the 5 and it came out 1.
Double 1??! Three times in a row!!
They finally destroyed the Daemonettes on the 4th round of combat, but by then it was too late already. They were now surrounded by 2 Tzeentch Spellcasters and 10 Flesh Hounds. The game ended on turn 5 and all I have left on table was the Heldrake hunting a bunch of Plaguebearers.
Daemons of DOOOOMMM! is strong indeed.
I won 2 games and lost 1. Not enough to be at the top spot, but I'm happy enough with the result. The winners are:
- Alvin Alpharius Khaw (Dark Eldar + Eldar)
- Joe Soon (Daemons of DOOOMM!)
- Faizal Paxter (Tau)
I didn't win, but I didn't leave the place empty handed. My name was picked for the grand lucky draw to win a Dropzone Commander Starter Box! Awesome!!
It was one fine event, even more so because of the lucky draw hahaha. Congratulations and thanks very much to Spartan Games Arena and Vinder a.k.a The God of Deepstriking. Now I have a new game to learn :)
That's all for today. Have a nice day guys.