I rarely have time to paint nowadays.
Been too busy with my work and family.
Used to have 3-4 games every Saturday but not anymore.
Lash of Submission hurts bad.. nuff said.
Things to finish within the Ramadhan
i. Grotsnik - for my brother
ii. A BReach Termi - for B&C Contest
iii. Akkarin - final touch up
iv. 3 Kannons and 6 grots - for my brother
iv. Aslan - 2nd DP.
.. and the month afterwards.
World Eaters Legion - continuous.
IyanDean - for my brother.
Dark Elves - on hold to give way to 5th ed.
Necrons - 8 more mummified Immortals and we're finished
Raven Guard - or should i do other chapter instead??
Ultramarines - personal interest
So much to do.. so little time.