Aerith D. Drakath
Druchii Anointed, Level 2 Spelcaster
Weapon : Great Weapon, Additional Hand Weapon, Sword of Might (Magical)
Armor :Blood Armor
Gifts & Magic Items:Quickening Blood, Pendants of Slaanesh, Tome of Furion
Special Rules : Always Strike First, Cause Fear, Immune to Psychology, Hate High Elves, Daemonic Aura 5+
Latest victim :
A Treeman Ancient
GODMODE : WS8 BS7 S5(7) T4 W6 I9 A12 LD9 AS1+
"something with those stats would scare even the mightiest greater demon." - Kai, when Aerith reaches GODMODE (on 19th April 2008).