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Putrajaya, Malaysia
8th Ed. Warhammer Fantasy Battle is damn fun. Try it!!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Daemon Prince of Khorne

A few days back, I answered the Call of Chaos VI and made a pledge to paint 1 Daemon Prince and 16 Bloodletters before 15th January 2014. Seems like more than enough time to finish them.

But I will need to finish the Daemon Prince and 10 Bloodletters by the next weekend for The Force Recon 40k Tournament.

So I had to take a slight detour from completing my Centurion Devastators and focus on them daemons. I began painting the daemons on Friday and by last night the Daemon Prince was completed. Here he is..

Next.. 10 Bloodletters. I don't think I have enough time so will try my best to at least fill the 3 colours minimum for painting requirements.

That's all. Have fun!


FourEyedMonster said...

That daemon looks incredible. Good job man! Very nice indeed. Looks like it was fun to paint too.

Lord AK said...

Thanks.. Yup, I'm enjoying painting them Daemons right now. So easy to paint.

4 days to go, 8 more Bloodletters.