Dark Elves | Necrons | World Eaters | Raven Guard | 13th Co. Space Wolves | Dark Eldar
About Me
- Lord AK
- Putrajaya, Malaysia
- 8th Ed. Warhammer Fantasy Battle is damn fun. Try it!!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Necron Tactica : Nemessor Zahndrekh
Using The Nemessor
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
13th Co : Thunderwolf Cavalry
Thursday, December 15, 2011
13th Co. Rhino
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Random Stuff : 13th Co. Meltagunner
Monday, December 12, 2011
The Mummy Returns!!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Batrep : Necron vs GK 1750 pts
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
WIP - Razorwing Jetfighter
Friday, July 29, 2011
Dark Eldar Raiders
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Akkarin, Warmaster of The World Eaters
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Doomsday at Ghemehaal
Status : Unit destroyed by shooting
Kills : Destroys a White Scars Vanguard Vets
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Sun Pirates
I've done several playtesting against my own existing armies. I lost through several early testplay. It was difficult being fragile and naked (especially them wyches). But nowadays (20+ playtest already), the Sun Pirates has grown so much in experience that they never lost any recent playtest.
The list that I used in the most recent playtesting is as below:
Archon Huskblade, Combat Drugs, Ghostplate Armour, Soul Trap, Shadow Field
5 Incubi
Raider with Disintegrator Cannon, Enhanced Aethersails, Nightshield
3 Trueborn 2 Splinter Cannons
Venom with 2 Splinter Cannons
3 Trueborn 2 Splinter Cannons
Venom with 2 Splinter Cannons
5 Warriors Blaster
Raider with Dark Lance, Nightshield
5 Warriors Blaster
Raider with Dark Lance, Nightshield
5 Warriors Blaster
Raider with Dark Lance, Nightshield
10 Wyches 2 Shardnet & Impaler, Hekatrix with Agonizer
Raider with Disintegrator Cannons, Aethersails
3 Reavers Heatlance
3 Reavers Heatlance
Ravager - 3 Disintegrator Cannons, Nightshield, Flickerfield
Ravager - 3 Disintegrator Cannons, Nightshield, Flickerfield
Ravager - 3 Dark Lance, Nightshield, Flickerfield
The 1st playtest is done and it was a massacre win againsts my World Eaters. The Trueborn unit turns out to be the most cost effective unit in the game. Working together they killed anything with Toughness value that came into their view, leaving nothing for my DC Ravagers to shoot at as they come from reserve.
So for the next playtest (against either RG or 13th Co.), I'll change the Ravager trio setup to 1 with 3 DCs and 2 with DLs too boost my anti-armour capabilities.
This below is the model that I have right now. As you can see, several unit is still missing but it wont be for long.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Canis Wolfborn
Sunday, April 3, 2011
KII : Update
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Kindred II
Kindred II, a team tournament will be held at Legio on 16th April 2011. I was supposed to enter it with my brother CikguDin. Me with my 13th Co. to team up with his Blood Angel army. But alas, he cannot make it.
Luckily it wasn't long before i found a new partner --> Ivan, the People's Choice Award winner from the previous Kindred.
So this post is actually for him to have a look at my army scheme (especially the base) so he can synchronize it with his army plus some progress on my part.
To Ivan : As we can see from the pic below, my base consist of three parts --> soil, snow and grass. Vey simple to do and for you to follow.
As for the Expendables, I've done painting them except for their bases. But wanna keep them secret until the day. So for now, be happy with their Battle Standard as preview.
The Expendables Battle Standard
Till next time.. adios.
Friday, February 11, 2011
Enslaving the Empire : DE vs Empire 2.5k Battle
The Empire army has no such thing as the invincible Steamtank nor the Handgunners. But they do have 2 Great Cannons and 2 Mortars to deliver death from afar. For my frail dark kin, the large mortar template was the bane of our existence while the cannon was the worst thing to hit our favoured pet, the War Hydra.
The Empire are no less threatening in close combat with 3 large blocks of infantries (Greatswords, Halberdiers and Swordsmen) backed by a level 4 Light Wizard to match the speed of my elves. And they were supported by about 15 Knights of Inner Circle (KoIC) or something with 1+ Armour Save lead by an Arclechtor.
DE list
lvl 4 Supreme Sorceress on Dark Pegasus
Master + 19 Black Guards
BSB on Cold One + 9 Cold One Knights
30 Black Ark Corsairs
2x5 Dark Riders
2x7 Shades
War Hydra
Empire list
lvl 4 Wizard Lord
lvl 2 Wizard
30 Halberdiers
30 Greatswords
30 Swordsmen
2 Great Cannon
2 Mortars
Dawn Attack
It was dawn when we strike at the Empire, and we were very lucky indeed. Our initial strike, lead by the Assassin and 14 Shades manage to destroy one of the great cannon. This was a crutial move that ensure the survival of our War Hydra. Meanwhile the Dark Riders perform a hit and run manuver to pull the enemy Greatswords (GS) to within The Black Guard (BG) charging range.
The BG's charge was as great as always, but The Greatswords, imbued with The Speed of Light is no easy meat with their WS of 10. But we the Dark Elves are much superior being, Our Tower Master easily slain the GS Champion in a Challenge followed by a Lvl 2 Sorcerer in the later turn. In the 2nd round of combat, the combat was joined by the charging KoIC lead by the . The Great Master Erwin Draco, wielding The Soulrender challenged the Archlector in a duel which last for several rounds.
It was then that our Noble Cold One Knights charged the KoIC from the flank, and the Black Ark Corsairs to the flank of the GS and almost seal the fate of the Empire. Almost. The KoIC was Unbreakable, while the GS was insanely courageous (double 1s!!) that day. Meanwhile, after trading blows for 3 rounds, Master Erwin's blade finally come into contact with the Archlector's neck.. severing it completely off his body. The Archlector's head will be another trophy to adorn his dining table.
By this time, the horde of Swordsmen is readying to flankcharge my CoKnight. But their advanced was distrupted by our wickedly beautiful High Sorceress. Having eaten The Black Dragon's Egg, she unleashed the Noxious Breath to the column of warriors, killing more than a third of the swordsmen. The swordsmen were not panicked, but they were so much affected by the Noxious Breath that they failed in their attempt to charge my CoKnights (Note: Unit suffering casualty from Noxious Breath must pass Ld check at -3 if they want to charge). Without the Swordmen to support them, the GS and KoIC cannot stand any longer and was massacred completely. The winner succesfully reform and readying themselve to charge the Swordsmen in the next turn.
The War Hydra was lucky to suffer no injury as of yet and still retain it's breath weapon at the highest level (Strength 5). All these time the Dark Riders has been trying to goad the enemy to within it's range, but not with great success. What they failed to do was done spectacularly by the annoyingly accurate Shades and their Repeater Crossbow. The Halberdiers finally have had enough being harrassed by these Shades and charged them. The Shades hold their ground and die instantly (7 against 27 halberdiers.. hahaha). But their sacrifices set up the Halberdiers flank directly in front of the War Hydra. The set up was perfect and the War Hydra happily burned some 20+ halberdiers to death with its breath weapon, followed by a charge later on to finish the remaining survivors.
Just as the sun is nearing it's peak, The CoK along with Master Erwin Draco simultaneously charge the Swordsmen unit (frontal charge). The frail Wizard Lord was no match against Master Erwin, his blade easily cleaved the wizard into two while the CoK skewer some Swordmen with their lances. It was brutal and the Empire survivors completely surrender to the might of the Dark Elves.
Later that evening, long column of human slaves can be seen herded towards the sea, where the Black Arks is waiting to take them back to the Land of Chill. They are now slaves to the Dark Elves, for the rest of their life (That is, of course.. if they survive the journey hahaha!)
The mortars were scary, even with just two can easily wipeout my Black Guards. But Arzmi made a huge mistake when he ignored them completely. It cost him the GS, KoIC, a lvl 2 Mage and the Archlector (Some 800 points in there i believe hahaha!). Now that he knew better, I dread the day when we meet again on the battlefield.
But for now, it was a spectacular win for me and my Fullmetal Sorceress. And the slaves.. simply said, Lord Malekith was happy :).
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The 8th Edition WFB
The scenario and terrain special rules is great. It really brings out the mysterious aspect of the fantasy world that was lost all this time. Fantasy is after all, a word full of magic and the rules reflect it well enough. The terrain can be dangerous or hepfull, but you wont know it untill you sent your men to venture into it. Of course you can always play them as normal forest, river or hills, but where's the fun :)?
The movement phase is now several times easier than before. And there's just so many things you can do in the movement phase now compares to before. Tactica reform is faster and charging was made easier. The greatest change of all is the affect of terrain on movements. Gone were the days where moving through terrain is the worst possible thing to happen to your army, which resulted in most table being devoid of any terrain features --> damn boring.
Magic. The changes to the 8 lores of magic was great. Never have I thought I would use any of them before. Now lore of Shadows and Metal is amongst the best my High Sorceres have in her arsenal. The changes to magic phases also good in ensuring a balance magic phase for both player.
Close combat continues to be the game-winning aspect of WFB. Even better now, the owly troops finally had their chance in the game. They can actually turn the tabe around with the Horde, Step Up and Steadfast rules in play. Couple that with Okkam's Mindrazor and you'll see even the Dreaded Blood Knights flee from a mob of lowly troops. Lovely :)
After having 3 games, I'm now even more eager to have my next fantasy battle. It was just so fun and so much more to explore in the world of fantasy. And so I invite you all to have a try at The 8th Ed. WFB. It will be worth your time. Trust me :).