I've painted the Helbrutes Mayhem Pack. It's time to see how they perform on table. So last Friday, I went to the hobby night and had a game with them alongside the World Eaters.
Kharn The Betrayer (Warlord)
Khorne Prince - Black Mace, Wings, Armour, Gift (Rolled 41 - Spelleater or something)
8 Berserkers - PFist, Icon of Wrath
8 Berserkers - PFist (in Rhino with Dozer Blade)
8 Berserkers - PFist (in Rhino with Dozer Blade)
Land Raider - Dozer Blade, Dirge Caster
Mayhem Pack - 3 Helbrutes with MMelta and HFlamers
My opponent was the Blood Ravens with Imperial Fist Chapter Tactics. It was quite a scary list, but with low count of scoring unit.
Librarian in Terminator Armour - Level 2, Power Axe, Storm Shield (Iron Arm & .....)
10 Tacticals - Meltagun, CombiMeltagun, Missile Launcher
Dedicated Razorback with Heavy Bolter
5 Scouts - 4 Snipers, 1 Missile Launcher
Storm Talon - Skyhammer
6 Centurions - TL-Lascannon, Missile Launcher
6 Centurions - TL-Heavy Bolter, Missile Launcher
Fire Raptor
His army was scary, I don't know if my Land Raider would be able to survive against all that Tank Hunter shots. But lucky the table we play was City Fight, so at least I can try my luck on the cover saves.
I won the roll for deployment and chose the side where I can gain the most cover from Turn 1. The idea was to grab The Relic early and hide behind the wall of the large ruin in the centre. That way, the enemy will be forced to leave the safety of their deployment zone to reclaim the Relic. We will be waiting with our axes ready :-)
Deployment was as in the first picture.
Damocles Rhino called a Orbital Bombardment onto the Rhino and Land Raider, but it scattered 11 inches towards the enemy (phew!)
The Centurion Sargent from the TwinLascannon team splitfire at the front most Rhino. The shot passed through the 4+ cover to instantly destroyed the transport. 8 Berserkers survived the explosion unharmed.
The rest of the army shoot at the Land Raider, causing 4 glance and 1 Penetration but it was saved by the wall.
In my turn, Berserkers 2 run 11 inches forward, followed by the Land Raider and the 2nd Rhino.
The Land Raider flat out forward into the ruin to block all LOS from the left flank. My Troops are almost secured in the middle.
Prince flew forward, joining the rest of the World Eaters behind the ruin.
Fire Raptors came in and shot the Khorne Prince with 7 S6 AP3 and 2 S8 AP2 shots. The Prince had no chance at all.
The TwinLas Centurions shot the Land Raider, aiming to destroy it and clear the LOS to the RELIC. But they failed, the Land Raider was wrecked but will stay there till the end. From the wreck came Kharn and his Berserker retinues.
Storm Talon escorted the Fire Raptor from the table edge and shot Berserker unit 2, killing 2 men.
Came my turn, all my reserves arrived. The Hadesdrake came in to the centre and destroyed the Strom Talon.
The Mayhem pack deepstriked on the right flank, close to enemy table edge. They suffered Fire Frenzy this turn. 4 Multimelta shots destroyed the Damocles Rhino, and the last Helbrute incinerated 3 Snipers on the 1st floor of a nearby ruin .
Kharn led the Berserkers to assaulted the Librarian and BolterCenturions. Kharn killed 3 Centurions and one of his men. My Skull Champion issued a challenge and was accepted by the Librarian. They caused one wound to each other but with Iron Arm in effect, the Librarian came out the winner of that duel.
From the Razorback came 5 man Tactical Squad and they destroyed the closest Helbrute with 2 Melta shots.
Fire Raptors flew towards my deployment zone and shot the last Rhino with Autocannon Battery. The Rhino exploded, killing 4 passengers.
TwinLas Centurions shot down the Hadesdrake.
Kharn slayed the Librarian in a duel (but I just remembered that I didn't roll on the Boon Table). He also killed one Berserker that got in the way of his swings.
In my turn, Berserkers 2 claimed the objective. Berserkers 3 stand around them to provide 5+ cover if the Fire Raptor came from behind.
The Mayhem Pack gained Blood Rage. One Helbrute moved into the ruins and destroyed the Razorback, the other one assaulted the Tacticals, suffered 1 glance from Overwatch, killed 2 Tacticals and sent the rest fleeing of table.
Kharn killed the Centurion Champion and I gladly rolled for the Chaos Reward. But it came out 21!! - SPAWNHOOD!! :lol:
Fire Raptor crossed to the right and shot Autocannon Battery on one of the Helbrutes, but couldn't get through the side armour of 12.
The Centurions destroyed one of the Helbrutes.
The fight at the centre continued.
In my turn, the last Helbrute entered Fire Frenzy again and killed the last two Scouts atop the 2nd floor of the ruin.
Berserkers 2 and 3 make a run deeper into the ruin. Securing the Relic.
The fight at the centre saw one Centurion and 1 Berserkers dead. One more Centurions to go. This one with a single wound left.
Fire Raptor flew towards their own table edge and destroyed the last Helbrute with 4 S7 shots to the rear.
Berserkers and Spawn killed the last Centurions and consolidated towards the Tacticals nearby.
Spawnlord assaulted the Centurions to deny them from shooting in the next turn. It caused 1 wound to the Centurions and suffered 1 wound. The Berserkers moved towards the Tacticals and successfully reached them with the help of the Icon of Wrath. They killed 3 men, but managed to stop the Tacticals from running.
Fire Raptors hovered 12 inches towards the centre and killed 3 guys from Berserkers 3 (It has no LOS to the Berserkers 2).
Centurions killed my Spawnlord.
My Berserkers wiped out the Tacticals and consolidated towards the Centurions.
Berserkers Assaulted the Centurions and killed one guy. The Centurions pulled a draw by killing one Berserker.
The game ENDED.
World Eaters 5 VPs from Relic, Slay The Warlord and Linebreaker against Blood Ravens 2 VPs from First Blood and Slay The Warlord. World Eaters WON!
This game was for me to try out the Helbrute. I must say they are fun to play with. My Helbrutes were blessed with 3 crazed results that fit perfectly with the situation they're in. Fire Frenzy upon deepstriking is a Godsend. Then Blood Rage (Rage and Fleet) when I want them to assault. And finally Fire Frenzy again to take out the last two Scouts :lol:
My opponent's list was scary. If we were to play on Barren Wasteland for example, he would have defeated me without much difficulty. Imperial Fist Centurions are devastating with Tank Hunters. But the list lacks body to make a push forward in this type of game.
Kharn turned into spawn. Again!! This is the 2nd time and it happened back to back since the last time I field him early last year against the Longinus Initiative (BA Sanguinary Guards army).
That's all for this week. Thanks for reading my batrep.
Have a nice day :-)